Friday, January 6, 2012

Parshat Veyechi

Hello Everyone,

I came across a short paragraph while learning this week’s Parsha that I found very powerful.   I’d like to share it with you for this week’s dvar torah rather than offer my own words.  It is taken from a summary of a class on this week’s Parsha off of the website,   Here is a link to the page where the following paragraph is taken from, followed by the lesson on the Parsha itself.  Shabbat Shalom.

Yaakov's blessings to his sons in Parashat Vayechi touches upon the very essence of the concept of "shevatim" (tribes).  Why should God's special nation divide itself into twelve factions?  Does this not invite contention and disunity?  The answer is that Bnei Yisrael must represent the ideal of Godliness to the rest of mankind.  It is only natural for people to group together according to common interests, inclinations, goals, talents and the like.  The objective, however, must be for the different groups to work together with one another, harnessing their unique capabilities for purposes of "Shem Shamayim" (God's Name).  Thus, the twelve-tribe system, when properly implemented, accurately captures the message God's nation must bring to humanity.  This nation declares that yes, different groups of people with different interests and tendencies can work together harmoniously and work towards the common good.  Yaakov blesses each son by wishing him the proper utilization of his respective talents, such that they all come together to fulfill the destiny of God's special nation.

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